Name: Shahzeba Ameer Hamza
I'm an energetic individual with countless dreams to achieve success and lavish lifestyle for my Family. My experience, expertise and skills are exceptional. I believe in myself and I do not give up on anything which means I try till I win.
I'm more like an opportunity seeker myself instead of waiting for the apple to fall from the tree I think I can actively grab it myself.
Name: Shahzeba Ameer Hamza
Education: Graduate
Experience: 4-7 Years
Laptop Available: Yes
Language: English, Hindi and Urdu
Experience In: Admission Counseling, Business Development Executive and HR Manager
Working Type: Full-Time
Tele sales services are available for both products as well as services.
Get Started Now Package Name Basic
Description I can do operational work as well as attending queries calls thereby converting them into paying clients for the long run.
Delivery Time 7 days
Extra Charge 2000
Summary Report NA
NDA Signature NA
No of OutBound Calls 300
No of InBound Calls 100
Get Started Now Package Name Premium
Description Offering early submission of assigned work with utmost satisfaction
Delivery Time 4 days
Extra Charge 3000
Summary Report I've delivered customer service with great efficiency, productivity and high number of resolutions handled.
NDA Signature Yes
No of OutBound Calls 500
No of InBound Calls 200
Get Started Now Package Name Deluxe
Description The most efficient, correct and relevant service offered with multiple options and can also be customised as per the requirements of the business.
Delivery Time 3 days
Extra Charge 5000
Summary Report Highly skilled, professional and customisable package with several options based on the requirements of the business.
NDA Signature Yes
No of OutBound Calls 1000
No of InBound Calls 300
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